Brandon Budron

web developer

Hi my name is Brandon and I’m a full-stack web developer living in central Florida. I’m currently pursuing a bachelors degree in computer science from UCF. I primarily build JavaScript based web applications, but I am always eager to learn new tools, frameworks, and languages that will improve my workflow and increase efficiency. When I’m not coding I’m either reading up on tech and design or I’m outdoors embracing the Florida weather.


Take note of how your day went and reference it from anywhere

Built using React, Redux, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Redis, and Passport

Plan out your personal tasks in a clean and organized way

Built using React, Redux, Node.js, Express, Firebase, and SCSS

Using Firebase for database and authentication

Quickly search for video game information

Built using React, Node.js, and Express

IGDB and IGN API's provide video game data

An electronic press kit for musician Kirkland Jaxon

Built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap Material Design, Javascript, and jQuery

Portfolio site for Brandon Budron

Built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript



  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, University of Central Florida (2020)
  • Pursuing a minor in mathematics.
  • FullStack Coding Bootcamp Certificate, University of Central Florida (2018)
  • Fast-paced and immersive curriculum covering the MERN stack.
  • Associate's Degree in General Studies, Valencia College (2017)
  • President's List - Earned at least a 3.75 GPA in all coursework.


  • Admissions Support at Remington College (December 2016 - July 2017)
  • Ranked top admissions representative in a department of 35 representatives.
  • Exceeded goal conversions at above 325% for the March start analysis.
  • Assistant Manager at AAA International Shipping  (April 2013 - October 2016)
  • Point of contact for any customer related questions or issues.
  • Assisted with the training and development of new staff.
  • Created website mock-ups and ensured quality control during development phase.
  • Handled graphic design; created newsletters, infographics, and advertisements.

Anything in here will be replaced on browsers that support the canvas element